About the author

This blog was set up to serve several purposes – the first one is the most selfish one. I need to keep a diary of my current path, which is a path of a student of macrobiotics. I need a way to keep track of my progress and what I learn, keep track of my recipes and cooking endeavours, keep track of the information buzzing around my head. At the same time there is a more noble purpose – sharing all this with the world which maybe, maybe could benefit from it as well 😉 That´s up to you…take what you want and leave the rest…

As for me…I am a Czech girl living right now  in Slovenia, who decided in autumn 2011 to study a complex macrobiotic programme at the famous Kushi Institute in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. I followed this study until February 2012, when I relocated to Slovenia. Nutrition, health, healing,  cooking and eating, discovering the subtle energies hidden behind simple everyday things…those are my passions.

I hope you find what you are looking for here. Feel free to leave any comments, I will sure appreciate them!

27 responses to “About the author

  1. Hi, there! awesome blog, wow! I am not a vegetarian, but your blog has all my favorite foods including kabocha squash, leeks, millet etc. I’m actually to surprised to read that you are from Europe, because your eats seem very Japanese to me 😉 (I am from Korea and lived in Japan for few years before). Anyway, nice to meet you 😀

  2. tom

    Hi, i am just from czech republic too, I do not even know why I type in english :-)) May it be, that I thought that these sites are typing by english speaking person. Very nice find out that I was wrong- you re czech! NICE! Can you send me your email? for some “mb” Discussion etc? Thanks and all the best!

  3. also art work ……www.sbpra.com/timanthony

  4. I am trying to add macrobiotic food to my diet to help me lose weight. I love the recipes I have looked at on your site so far. I find your site hard to read though as the white on black is harsh on my tired eyes. I will try again in daylight as that may be better. I hope so as I really like some of your recipes and i think I could learn a lot from you 🙂

    • thanks! I am sorry you have trouble reading the blog, I actually really like white on black…. 😀 but I will think about it, thanks for letting me know!
      macrobiotic meals are great for weight loss, but I think more if you change the whole lifestyle to a macrobiotic one, rather than just adding some of the meals to your “normal” meals, it´s more about changing to a whole foods plant-based diet focusing on vegetables, whole grains and legumes, and cutting out anything with sugar, dairy, meat (except for fish) and processed foods 🙂

  5. Barbara Hewitt

    I absolutely love the black background, it is classy and sophisticated and it just draws one into it to discover the content.

  6. Dear Michaela,
    Good morning from Athens Greece, we are a Greek Macrobiotic family that runs & Manages Macrobiotic Living, the 1st Macrobiotic Center in Athens. We are also graduates of the Kushi Institute of Europe and being currently trained by Jeanne Van Den Heuvel in Belgium. We have a 2 year old daughter and we seek for a dedicated macrobiotic practitioner to come and live with us, assisting with everyday duties of cooking, taking care of our child and being further educated with us in Macrobiotics through everyday consultation, workshops and cooking classes of the center.
    Would be interested in such an option?

    We look forward to hearing from you,

    Warmest regards,

    Alex & Marianne

  7. Well done Michaella, perhaps you could revise your profile in au pair.com so as to clarify that you are not available for such a service anymore. All the best with your future.

    Kindest regards,

  8. Gail

    I started my macrobiotic way of life about the same time as you did, and I am loving it. We have a great macrobiotic group here in town that gets together once a month for potlucks. We even have a member of the Kushi family living here, as well as many graduates of the Kushi Institute. Nevertheless I miss some non-macrobiotic dishes, like Mexican cuisine with its heavy reliance on tomatoes and very spicy food, so I’m looking forward to trying your taco dish. Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks Gail! I was also missing certain items during my MB journey, so I widened my cooking and eating style quite a bit, incorporating knowledge and techniques also from other nutrition systems. It´s up to everybody, to create a way of eating that fits them 🙂 The ultimate judge is your body and it will always give a kick back when you go too wide, or maybe rather “too wild” in your experiments! 😀

  9. Lisa

    Hi Marianne,

    I just finished 2 weeks at the Kushi Institute in Beckett, MA, USA. My counselor from Germany has me on a healing diet for 2 months, so I am trying to make beans more delicious. Hope to learn a few new tricks.

    Washington, DC

  10. Charlotte

    Very inspiring blog. I’m going to Kushi institure in Nl next month, and I’m very much looking forward. I have breast cancer and want to heal myself through diet.

  11. Hi! I’ve got a challenging health issue right now so I’ve gone back to the basics with macrobiotic foods. I studied and learned a LOT in the 80’s when macrobiotics was big. Now, that I’ve gone back to cooking and eating this way, I am feeling SO much better! VERY happy to run across your blog and beautiful photos of your food. Keep up the excellent posts. I’ll be following you for inspiration!

    • Hi! Actually, this blog is dead for several years, there is a blogpost on that topic here 🙂 But feel free to browse through the recipes and I hope you find them helpful. Macrobiotics might work for many people – it did not for me, not in the long term, but I believe it might be good for specific cases and when done with an open mind and not too many strict rules. Good luck! Michaela

  12. Greg

    This is a phenomenal blog! Its recipes are so much better than most macrobiotic cookbooks I have seen. Why don’t you put these recipes into a self-published book and sell it on amazon, for example. I would love to have a copy and my thought is lots of other people would also.

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