Category Archives: Beverages

Homemade almond milk

Who would have thought it´s so easy (and much cheaper) to make your own homemade almond milk to use in recipes! No more store-bought dairy-free milks for me, as long as I have a minute free to make this beverage. Of course, you do need to own a blender 😀

For this batch, which is roughly one liter of milk, I used half a cup of almonds (which I soaked overnight, I believe that is an essential step to get them well blended, besides enhancing the nutrient absorption), two cups of warm water, a pinch of salt and a pinch of vanilla powder, that´s all. I blended all this on high speed in my blender until there were no chunks left. You might need to stop at whiles so the blender can have some rest, but it shouldn´t take long. Then I took a clean cotton handkerchief (you could use any thin cloth), placed it in a fine sieve and strained the liquid, at the end squeezing the whole cloth to get the last drops out. The nut mash can be used later in baking, cooking etc.

For a more intense almond flavour or thicker consistency, just use more almonds and play with the ratios…

The milk stores well in a glass bottle in the frige for up to a week.



Filed under Beverages, Recipes